Tuesday, December 16, 2014

YEVO is about to do something in the $4.3 Trillion dollar food industry that has NEVER been done!

YEVO is about to do something in the $4.3 Trillion dollar food industry that has NEVER been done before with its revolutionary nutrient rich/whole based food products that are non-gmo and infused with 43 essential nutrients, 20+ grams of protein, omega 3's and lots of fiber. Multi-Billionaire and YEVO Founder, Peter Castleman, wants to change the world one meal at a time with YEVO.  Top Food Scientists, Nutritionists and Chefs were brought together to make the food and it's amazing!

YEVO is in Prelaunch right now! This is an incredible time to get started building a lucrative home based business. This isn’t just any happenstance, it truly is a Once in a Lifetime Opportunity!  When I read in Fortune Magazine that Warren Buffet, the billionaire investor, was investing in direct sales (Network Marketing) I decided I was missing something.” ~ David Bach.  With very little investment on your part, you can create a residual income giving you the freedom to have autonomy and spend time doing whatever it is you love to do.

Why is this so fortuitous? Timing is everything in life! The company will formally launch Feb 1st and hit the ground running – going Global in 2015. Right now, you can start building your business with no risk to you! You can sign up now, start building your team and your credit card will not be billed until Feb 1st.   Join now at http://michelebrasfield.myyevo.com/ or visit http://Yevoforyou.com for more info.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Fuel + Maintenance = the Vitality of Life!

Is the state of our health related to Nutrition? Of course!

Our bodies need the right fuel (food) and regular maintenance (exercise, lifestyle and mental well-being) to achieve our true potential in life. Is there anything more important than healthy eating? Possibly, but if we don’t have good health, we lack the energy, drive and mental clarity to live life to its fullest!

The wrong fuel; salt, sugar (high fructose corn syrup) and bad fats reduce our performance. The Proper fuel; Vegies, Fruit, Protein, Fiber, Omega 3’s and the 43 Essential Nutrients our bodies need every day contribute to healthy cells and disease prevention. Without healthy eating, our bodies will eventually fail causing diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and more.
Maintaining a balanced diet by healthy eating can:
  • Give you vitality and energy for life
  • Help you stay at a weight that's right for you
  • Help beat tiredness and fatigue
  • Ward off serious illnesses like heart disease, certain cancers, mature-age onset diabetes, and gallbladder disease
  • Boost your immune system
  • Keep you active and fit into old age
  • Protect teeth and keep gums healthy
  • Improve sports performance
  • Delay the effects of aging
  • Enhance your ability to concentrate and possible alter mood
Many people are overeating unhealthy foods and starving inside because they are not getting the 43 Essential Nutrients (as well as protein, fiber, omega 3 fatty acids) that they need to ensure that their cells are nourished. This is the root of many of the diseases and illnesses so common today and the cause of our Global Health Crisis. Our diet affects our Gut which some refer to as our second brain, when the Gut is out of balance a slew of health issues arise; auto immune disorders, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety and more.  

The Good News is there is a solution! YEVO International has created whole, nutrient dense food products that will help to tackle this Health Crisis in a phenomenal way!
Yevo has created a New Revolutionary dehydration method of preparing Nutrient Dense food that consists of whole foods grown in the US infused with the 43 Essential Nutrients, 20+grams of protein, fiber, omega 3 fatty acids in each package of food.

Top PhD Nutritionists, Food Scientists and Chefs have created delicious meals; breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks – all mouthwatering and popular foods. 

Multi-Billionaire Peter Castleman, the Founder of Yevo International is commited to changing the world’s health crisis “One Meal at a Time”.  Learn More at http://www.yevoforyou.com #yevo @yevo2015

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Food Should Be the Solution Not the Problem!

Not so long ago, about three decades, the food available to us was mostly fresh and grown locally. Today, the majority of foods we eat, whether at home, in school or in restaurants, are highly processed foods, filled with sugars, harmful processed fats, and chemical additives. 

"The modern diet is the main reason why people all over the world are fatter and sicker than ever before. Everywhere modern processed foods go, chronic diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease soon follow."

Everyone, everywhere needs 43 Essential Nutrients in their food every day. And yet, nutrients are slowly disappearing from the foods available to us, our families and our communities. It shouldn't be this way. Food should be the solution, not the problem. If you believe in humanity and doing what’s right and doing what the world needs, the status quo of food must be challenged. If we don’t do it, who will? Join us as we lead the most important shift for humanity in the last 100 years. www.Yevoforyou.com @yevo2015 #yevo